Dr. Wang has performed on 5500 patients, including 4000 medical professionals. (i) for cataract surgery, how many different kind of implants can you choose? And how do you decide which type to choose? There a single vision vs multi focus. It’s very important to...
5/20/2023 “Wernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathy” Post activity summary By Dr. Tao Wang Editor: Dr. Charles Ce Wang “Wernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathy” the first ANACP CME lecture held on 5/20/2023 (EST 9pm-10:20pm) via ANACP zoom, 83 attendees participated this activity....
美国抗疫治疗经验和最新进展(一) Dec 31, 2022 美国抗疫治疗经验和最新进展(二)Jan 1, 2023 美国抗疫治疗经验和最新进展(三) Jan 7, 2023 美国抗疫治疗经验和最新进展(四)Jan 15, 2023 同心抗疫:美国华人医生新冠治疗讲座(Click for more details and videos)...