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Weekend Zoom meeting Sign-in Sheet

Zoom meeting co-host volunteers need to know... 

    • Co-hosts from our youth volunteers are needed for Zoom meetings, but not Zoom Webinar, since people join Webinars automatically. 
    • Lecture schedules: . The Zoom meeting ID is listed. You can click the link or enter the meeting ID to join the meeting. More details are in the lecture flyers.
    • When you join the Zoom meeting, there might be a registration step as follows. Please add "Cohost" in your name as such. 
    1. Join the meeting 5 min before the meeting starts using your Real Name and add "Cohost" after your name, so we can recognize you and make you cohost.
    2. If you are not made co-host, please also send DIRECT message to the meeting HOST to request cohosting (not a message to everyone in the meeting)
    3. In the meeting setting, make sure to “Mute All Upon Entry” before admitting attendees.
    4. Start admitting attendees 1 minute before the meeting or when the host asks you to.
    5. Do not mute or disable videos of other co-hosts who might be the speakers.
    6. Make sure the attendee's video and audio are off during the meeting, since they may accidentally leave them on which can be distractive.
    7. Use the Chat function, messaging to Everyone or to individual attendees, if needed.
    8. Stay in the meeting for at least the first 30 minutes, and send the host DIRECT messages before leaving the meeting.