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Weekend Zoom meeting Sign-in Sheet
Zoom meeting co-host volunteers need to know...
- Co-hosts from our youth volunteers are needed for Zoom meetings, but not Zoom Webinar, since people join Webinars automatically.
- Lecture schedules: . The Zoom meeting ID is listed. You can click the link or enter the meeting ID to join the meeting. More details are in the lecture flyers.
- When you join the Zoom meeting, there might be a registration step as follows. Please add "Cohost" in your name as such.
- Join the meeting 5 min before the meeting starts using your Real Name and add "Cohost" after your name, so we can recognize you and make you cohost.
- If you are not made co-host, please also send DIRECT message to the meeting HOST to request cohosting (not a message to everyone in the meeting)
- In the meeting setting, make sure to “Mute All Upon Entry” before admitting attendees.
- Start admitting attendees 1 minute before the meeting or when the host asks you to.
- Do not mute or disable videos of other co-hosts who might be the speakers.
- Make sure the attendee's video and audio are off during the meeting, since they may accidentally leave them on which can be distractive.
- Use the Chat function, messaging to Everyone or to individual attendees, if needed.
- Stay in the meeting for at least the first 30 minutes, and send the host DIRECT messages before leaving the meeting.